P-IE Section Poster Session A

Tuesday, November 17, 2015: 8:00 AM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall BC (Convention Center)

Genetic diversity of honey bees in Utah
Allen L. Szalanski, University of Arkansas ; Amber D. Tripodi, USDA - ARS ; Clinton E. Trammel, University of Arkansas ; Danielle Downey, Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Bee Health at eXtension.org, a bee line from scientist to society
Philip Moore, The University of Tennessee ; John Skinner, The University of Tennessee ; Michael Wilson, The University of Tennessee
Effects of heavy metals on the development of Apis mellifera larvae
Ning DI, UCR ; Kristen Hladun, University of California ; John T. Trumble, University of California ; Tong-Xian Liu, Northwest A&F University
Can foraging on canola increase honey bee health? (Apis melifera)
Jackie Lee, Oklahoma State University ; Allen L. Szalanski, UIniversity of Arkansas ; Angela Post, Oklahoma State University
Using local ecological knowledge to understand changes in beekeeping and ecosystem services in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
Sara M. Galbraith, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) ; Chad Kooistra, College of Forestry, Oregon State University ; Troy Hall, College of Forestry, Oregon State University ; H�ctor Tav�rez, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) ; Nilsa A. Bosque-P�rez, University of Idaho
Routes of alfalfa leafcutting bee exposure to an insect growth regular under field conditions
Theresa L. Pitts-Singer, USDA - ARS ; James D. Barbour, University of Idaho
Variability in use of Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. as a nectar plant by butterflies: Latitudinal differences in the Rocky Mountains
Aaron Irber, Department of Biology ; Paula Kleintjes Neff, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Minnesota initiatives to protect insect pollinators
Rajinder Mann, Minnesota Department of Agriculture ; Jamison Scholer, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Lignocellulose digestion by the higher Attine fungus-gardening ant symbiosis
Alexandria DeMilto, University of Texas at Tyler ; Jon Seal, University of Texas at Tyler
Tawny Crazy Ants in Hawaii? Evidence of niche shift and global invasion potential of Nylanderia fulva
Sunil Kumar, Colorado State University ; Edward G. LeBrun, University of Texas ; Thomas Stohlgren, Colorado State University ; Jared Stabach, Colorado State University ; Danny McDonald, Sam Houston State University ; David Oi, USDA, Agricultural Research Service ; John S. LaPolla, Towson University
Evaluation of individual and combination insecticide and biopesticide treatments for rapid elimination of imported fire ant colonies for use in the Federal Imported Fire Ant Quarantine
Jason B. Oliver, Tennessee State University ; Karla Addesso, Tennessee State University ; Anne-Marie Callcott, USDA-APHIS ; Nadeer Youssef, Tennessee State University ; Paul A. O'Neal, Tennessee State University
Homeward navigation in Pogonomyrmex occidentalis harvester ants
Carlyn Winter, University of Colorado ; Michael Breed, University of Colorado at Boulder
Potential chemical attractants for corn silk flies
Sandra A. Allan, USDA-ARS-CMAVE ; Rosa Cromartie, USDA-ARS-CMAVE ; Hans Alborn, USDA - ARS
Silk fly electroantennography, a crucial step for semiochemical investigations
David Owens, University of Florida ; Gregg Nuessly, University of Florida ; Paul E. Kendra, USDA - ARS ; Dakshina Seal, University of Florida ; Daniel Hahn, University of Florida ; Thomas Colquhoun, University of Florida
Waveform characterization of the redbanded stink bug Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) on soybean plant using the EPG
Tiago Lucini, Federal University of Paran� ; Ant�nio Panizzi, National Wheat Research Center ; Elaine Backus, USDA - ARS
A positive preference-performance linkage for lace bug Corythucha marmorata on drought-stressed Solidago altissima
Maxwell Helmberger, University of Minnesota Duluth ; Timothy P. Craig, University of Minnesota Duluth ; Joanne Itami, University of Minnesota Duluth
Diapause induction in the green lacewing, Chrysoperla rufilabris: influence of photoperiod and temperature
Kewei Chen, South China Agricultural University ; James R. Nechols, Kansas State University ; John Ruberson, Kansas State University ; Catherine A. Tauber, Cornell University
Fractions from Eastern redcedar heartwood stimulate oviposition behavior in the ladybird Coleomegilla maculata
Eric Riddick, USDA-ARS ; Zhixin Wu, USDA-ARS ; Fred Eller, USDA-ARS ; Mark Berhow, USDA-ARS
Crop management legacies in organic systems affect environmental conditions, but not ground beetle communities
Ebony Murrell, Pennsylvania State University ; Christina Mullen, Pennsylvania State University ; Tara Pisani-Gareau, Boston College ; Mary Barbercheck, Pennsylvania State University
Ground beetles in sweet corn bordered by native perennial plants and pasture
Karen Friley, Kentucky State University ; John Sedlacek, Kentucky State University ; Denita Brown, Kentucky State University ; E. Slusher, Kentucky State University
Beneficial insects in sweet corn bordered by native perennial plants and pasture in Central Kentucky
John Sedlacek, Kentucky State University ; Karen Friley, Kentucky State University ; E. Slusher, Kentucky State University ; David Key, Kentucky State University
Natural enemy impact on invasive brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) eggs in organic agroecosystems: a multistate assessment
Emily Ogburn, North Carolina State University ; Christine Dieckhoff, USDA - ARS ; Rachelyn Dobson, University of Kentucky ; Matthew Grieshop, Michigan State University ; Kim A. Hoelmer, USDA - ARS ; Clarissa Mathews, USDA - ARS ; Jennifer Moore, The University of Tennessee ; Anne Nielsen, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey ; Celeste Welty, The Ohio State University ; James F. Walgenbach, North Carolina State University
Cover crop species and termination timing influence Carabidae assemblage in 3-year transition to organic
Ariel Rivers, Pennsylvania State University ; Mary Barbercheck, Pennsylvania State University ; Christina Mullen, Pennsylvania State University
Wanted: Dead or alive? Predators' proclivities for carrion prey
James Hagler, USDA - ARS ; Christina Moon, South Mountain Community College ; Freddy Rivers, South Mountain Community College ; Scott A. Machtley, USDA - ARS
Long-term variation in natural enemy populations in non-crop field margins in south Georgia
Melissa D. Thompson, University of Georgia ; R. J. Ottens, University of Georgia ; John Ruberson, Kansas State University ; Jason M. Schmidt, University of Georgia
Elucidating the predatory community of plum curculio in organic apple production
Jason M. Schmidt, University of Georgia ; Paul Owen-Smith, Michigan State University ; Jemma Flood, Michigan State University ; Matthew Grieshop, Michigan State University
Does greenspace design influence urban vacant lot soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning?
Nicole Hoekstra, The Ohio State University ; Mary M. Gardiner, The Ohio State University
How motivation and project structure affect natural resource volunteerism in entomology
Lesley Tylczak, University of Minnesota ; Robert Venette, USDA - Forest Service ; Marla Spivak, University of Minnesota ; Eli Sagor, University of Minnesota ; Terrance Hurley, University of Minnesota
It's all fun and games: Using gamification to teach entomology
Marc Fisher, Dow AgroSciences ; Kevin Steffey, Dow AgroSciences
YouTube and you: Entomology videos on the internet
Caitlin Stamper, University of Kentucky ; John Obrycki, University of Kentucky
Using podcasts to promote research and extension
Erin W. Hodgson, Iowa State University ; Matt O'Neal, Iowa State University ; John VanDyk, Iowa State University
Outreach or reach out: Observations on the "Walnut Alert" experience
Jerome F. Grant, University of Tennessee ; Frank Hale, University of Tennessee ; Alan Windham, University of Tennessee ; Gregory J. Wiggins, University of Tennessee ; Paris L. Lambdin, University of Tennessee
Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium (IMCC): stepping up to the front lines of habitat restoration
Teresa Blader, Iowa State University ; Victoria Pocius, Iowa State University ; Keith Bidne, USDA-ARS, Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit and Department of Entomology ; Sue Blodgett, Iowa State University ; Steven Bradbury, Iowa State University ; Diane Debinski, Iowa State University ; Robert Hartzler, Iowa State University ; Richard Hellmich, USDA - ARS ; Mark Honeyman, Iowa State University ; Laura Jesse, Iowa State University ; Donald R. Lewis, Iowa State University ; John Pleasants, Iowa State University ; Wendy Wintersteen, Iowa State University
Beating the bugs in the cranberry bogs: Induced resistance in wild and cultivated cranberry
Elvira de Lange, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey ; James Polashock, USDA - ARS ; Nicholi Vorsa, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey ; Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Synergistic defensive function of raphides and defensive proteins: Raphides intensify the defensive activity of protease and chitinase against insect herbivores through the needle effect
Kotaro Konno, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences ; Takashi Inoue, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences ; Masatoshi Nakamura, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences ; Chikara Hirayama, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Effect of spray solution pH on efficacy and residual activity of insecticides against Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
Brian Little, University of Georgia ; Bal Gautam, University of Georgia ; Ashfaq Sial, University of Georgia
Cuticular hydrocarbon composition of two invasive ambrosia beetles (Euwallacea spp.) in the United States of America
Lori J. Nelson, USDA - Forest Service ; Yigen Chen, University of California ; Tom W. Coleman, USDA - Forest Service ; Daniel Carrillo, University of Florida ; Steven Seybold, USDA - Forest Service
Evaluations of melon germplasm reported to exhibit host plant resistance to sweetpotato whitefly
James McCreight, U.S. Department of Agriculture ; William Wintermantel, USDA ; Eric Natwick, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
Effects of foliar apple trichomes on Galendromus occidentalis (Nesbitt)
Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris, Cornell University ; Elizabeth H. Beers, Washington State University
Bioassays of entomopathogenic fungi against Melanaphis sacchari
Karla Cruz-Aldaco, Universidad Aut�noma Agraria Antonio Narro ; Raul T. Villanueva, Texas A&M University ; Gabriela Esparza-D�az, Texas A&M University ; Richard Humber, USDA Agricultural Research Service ; Sergio Sanchez-Pe�a, Universidad Aut�noma Agraria Antonio Narro
Sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) field abundance on resistant and susceptible sorghum hybrids in the Southern High Plains of Texas
Blayne Reed, Texas AgriLife Extension ; Robert P. Porter, Texas Cooperative Extension ; Ed Bynum, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Observations of the sugarcane aphid Melanaphis sacchari in the Lower Rio Grande Valley 2014-2015
Danielle Sekula- Ortiz, Texas A&M University ; Raul T. Villanueva, Texas A&M University ; Gabriela Esparza-D�az, Texas A&M University
Spread risk factor estimation of sugarcane white leaf disease in the northeast Thailand
Youichi Kobori, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences ; Yupa Hanboonsong, Khon Kaen University, Faculty of Agriculture
Evaluation and economic assessment of multiple insecticide strategies for managing pest complexes in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)
Robert Bowling, Texas A&M University ; Michael Brewer, Texas A&M AgriLife Research ; Levi Russell, Texas A&M ; Mac Young, Agricultural Economics
Soybean aphid management in South Dakota with foliar insecticides
Bradley McManus, South Dakota State University ; Billy Fuller, South Dakota State University
Biocontrol of brown marmorated stink bug
Victoria Skillman, Oregon State University ; Adam Cave, USDA - ARS ; Jana C. Lee, USDA - ARS
New sources of soybean resistance against soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) biotypes
Doris Lagos-Kutz, University of Illinois at U-C ; Curtis B. Hill, Agricen Sciences LLC ; Glen L. Hartman, National Soybean Research Center ; Darin Eastburn, University of Illinois at U-C
Comparative transcriptomic analyses of soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) biotypes feeding on aphid-resistant soybean
Raman Bansal, The Ohio State University ; Ashley Yates, The Ohio State University ; Andrew Michel, The Ohio State University
Examination of cross-tolerance to Rag1 and thiamethoxam treatments in the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines
Carolina Camargo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Matheus Ribeiro, University of Nebraska ; Laramy Enders, University of Nebraska ; Blair Siegfried, University of Florida
Soybean aphid responses to climate and habitat variability explored using multi-year, ecoinformatics data
Federica Lacasella, University of Wisconsin ; Kaitlin Stack Whitney, University of Wisconsin ; Krista Hamilton, Wisconsin Department of Trade, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection ; Aditya Singh, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Phil Townsend, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Christopher Kucharik, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Timothy D. Meehan, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Claudio Gratton, University of Wisconsin
Prevalence of tarnished plant bug (Lygus lineolaris) on soybean in the Mississippi Delta.
K. Clint Allen, USDA - ARS ; Katherine Parys, USDA - ARS ; Nathan Little, USDA - ARS ; Randall Luttrell, USDA - ARS
Comparison between the releasing of different amounts of pupae and adults of Trichogramma pretiosum in lepidopteran eggs control in soybean
Alexandre Pinto, BUG- Agentes Biol�gicos ; Lucas Cantori, Ocassio ; Abilio de Oliveira, G.Bio ; Isabelle Padilha, G.Bio ; Anderson Kobayashi, G.Bio ; Kenia e Silva, G.Bio ; Heraldo de Oliveira, BUG- Agentes Biol�gicos
Oviposition site preference of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean
Fernanda Pereira, University of S�o Paulo/ESALQ ; Jos� Parra, University of S�o Paulo/ESALQ ; Alexandre Diniz, University of S�o Paulo/ESALQ ; Cristina Ramos, University of S�o Paulo/ESALQ
Agronomic assessment of neonicotinoid insecticidal seed treatments on corn and soybeans
Keri Carstens, DuPont Pioneer ; Keith O'Bryan, DuPont Pioneer ; Meredith Burnison, DuPont Pioneer
Suppression of Corn Rootworm Populations in Illinois: Comparing Recent Statewide Surveys with Historical Efforts
Nicholas Tinsley, University of Illinois ; Joseph Spencer, University of Illinois ; Ronald Estes, University of Illinois ; Alexandra Kaluf, University of Illinois ; Kelly Estes, University of Illinois ; Michael Gray, University of Illinois
Nebraska corn growers response to rootworm resistance to Bt corn: Survey to assess awareness, practice change, and information sources
Robert Wright, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Lance Meinke, University of Nebraska ; Douglas Golick, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The challenge of managing Bt-resistant western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera)  populations: A Minnesota example
Bruce D. Potter, University of Minnesota ; Ken Ostlie, University of Minnesota ; Travis Vollmer, University of Minnesota
Continuous rearing of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, on an artificial diet
Man Huynh, University of Missouri ; Lisa Meihls, USDA - ARS ; Dalton Ludwick, University of Missouri ; Randall P. Niedz, USDA - ARS ; Stephen L. Lapointe, USDA - ARS ; Thomas A. Coudron, USDA - ARS ; Bruce Hibbard, USDA - ARS
Differential gene expression in rotation-resistant and wild-type western corn rootworm beetle (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) digestive tracts
Chia-Ching Chu, University of Illinois ; Jorge Zavala, University of Buenos Aires-CONICET ; Joseph Spencer, University of Illinois ; Mat�as Curzi, DuPont Pioneer ; Christopher Fields, Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center ; Jenny Drnevich, Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center ; Blair Siegfried, University of Florida ; Manfredo Seufferheld, University of Illinois
Field performance of Cry1F and Vip3A Bt traits under varying western bean cutworm pressure
Westen Archibald, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Douglas Jones, Monsanto Company ; Robert Wright, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Julie A. Peterson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Control of Agrotis ipsilon in seedlings of transgenic Bt maize after treatment of seeds with different products
Alexandre Pinto, BUG- Agentes Biol�gicos ; Jos� dos Reis, Centro Universitario Moura Lacerda ; Leonardo Aziani, Centro Universitaio Moura Lacerda ; Guilherme de Souza, Centro Universitaio Moura Lacerda ; Antonio Santos, Dow AgroSciences ; Luiz Marques, Dow AgroSciences
Ethogram of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea): cannibalism/predation behavior
Jos� P. G. F. Silva, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Sao Paulo State University) ; Debora Goulart Montezano, University of Nebraska ; Silvana V. Paula-Moraes, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecu�ria (EMBRAPA) Cerrados ; Edson Baldin, Universidade Estadual Paulista ; Thomas Hunt, University of Nebraska
Impact of Pollen Contamination on Survival and Development of Corn Earworm in Different Seed Blended Scenarios of Non-Bt and Pyramided Bt Corn 
Fei Yang, Louisiana State University ; David L. Kerns, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center ; Graham P. Head, Monsanto ; R. Levy, Louisiana State University ; Ying Niu, Louisiana State University ; Fangneng Huang, Louisiana State University
True armyworm, rye cover, and no-till: An unfortunate combination in 2015
Mike W. Dunbar, Iowa State University ; Adam Varenhorst, Iowa State University ; Erin W. Hodgson, Iowa State University ; Matt O'Neal, Iowa State University ; Aaron J. Gassmann, Iowa State University
Preliminary evaluations of the economic threshold for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in whorl stage non-Bt field corn
Glenn Studebaker, University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service ; Gus Lorenz, University of Arkansas ; Nicholas Seiter, University of Arkansas
Center for Ecology, Evolution and Management of Pesticide Resistance
Thomas Hunt, University of Nebraska ; Todd Gaines, Colorado State University ; Philip Westra, Colorado State University
Maize transcriptional responses to insect herbivory
Saumik Basu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Suresh Varsani, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Joe Louis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Preliminary comparison of two transcriptome databases from Southern corn rootworm, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi (Barber) and Western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte
Haichuan Wang, University of Nebraska ; Adriano Pereira, University of Nebraska - Lincoln ; Blair Siegfried, University of Florida
Susceptibility of Cry1F-Susceptible, -Resistant, and -Heterozygous Fall Armyworm to Transgenic Cotton Expressing Pyramided Bt Genes
Fei Yang, Louisiana State University ; David L. Kerns, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center ; Nathaniel Jones, LSU AgCenter ; Fangneng Huang, Louisiana State University
Transcriptome analysis of xylem feeding insects reveals low diveristy in detoxifying cytochrome P450 enzymes
Charles Cowden, USDA - ARS ; Steven J. Castle, USDA - ARS ; Joe Hull, USDA - ARS
Plasmid DNA associated with crystal protein coding in Bacillus thuringiensis CAB565 and CAB566
You-Kyoung Lee, Chungnam National University ; Na-Young Jin, Chungnam National University ; Jun-Hack Jeon, Chungnam National University ; Yu-Seop Kim, Chungnam National University ; Bo-Ram Lee, Chungnam National University ; Hee Ji Kim, Chungnam National University ; Soo Jeung Ahn, Chungnam National University ; Young-Nam Youn, Chungnam National University ; Yong-Man Yu, Chungnam National University
Potential of a commercial NPV formulation to control heliothines in Bt and non-Bt cottons
Nathan Little, USDA - ARS ; Randall Luttrell, USDA - ARS ; K. Clint Allen, USDA - ARS
Evaluating plant and plant oil repellency against the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
Jesusa C. Legaspi, USDA - ARS ; Neil Miller, USDA - ARS ; Muhammad Haseeb, Florida A&M University ; Lambert Kanga, Florida A&M University ; Danielle Wolaver, Florida A&M University
Predation of sentinel bollworm eggs in glanded and glandless cotton
Jane Breen Pierce, New Mexico State University ; Patricia E Monk, New Mexico State University ; John Idowu, New Mexico State University
Effects of Lygus lineolaris nymph feeding on anatomy of cotton squares in relation to EPG-monitored feeding
Eeva Sharma, California State University ; John Bushoven, California State University ; Elaine Backus, USDA - ARS ; Felix Cervantes, USDA Agricultural Research Service
Telling the story of pink bollworm eradication through a museum exhibit
Michelle Walters, USDA - APHIS - PPQ ; Andrea Walton, USDA-APHIS-PPQ ; Timothy Walters, Arizona Museum of Natural History ; Sangmi Lee, Arizona State University ; Soon Flynn, Arizona State University ; John Claus, USDA - APHIS - PPQ ; Guolei Tang, USDA - APHIS - PPQ
Conditional mutualism in a plant-virus-vector interaction is facilitated by drought stress
Thomas S. Davis, University of Idaho ; Nilsa A. Bosque-P�rez, University of Idaho ; Sanford D. Eigenbrode, University of Idaho
Landscape, climatic factors and the abundance of cereal aphids in the Pacific Northwest, USA
S. Ebrahim Sadeghi, University of Idaho ; Thomas S. Davis, University of Idaho ; Ying Wu, University of Idaho ; Bahman Shafii, University of Idaho ; Stephen Fricke, University of ILLINOIS ; John Abatzoglou, University of Idaho ; Sanford D. Eigenbrode, University of Idaho
Host composition effects on bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) behavior and reproduction
Dayna Collett, Oklahoma State University ; Kris Giles, Oklahoma State University
Predicting lady beetle and green lacewing abundance in winter canola and wheat agroecosystems
Casi N. Jessie, Oklahoma State University ; Kris Giles, Oklahoma State University ; Timothy J. Kring, University of Arkansas ; Brian McCornack, Kansas State University
Stink bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) of Minnesota wheat: Species composition, abundance and phenology
Walter Rich, University of Minnesota ; Tiffany Pahs, Minnesota Department of Agriculture ; Robert Koch, University of Minnesota
What's eating those flea beetles? A molecular approach applied to sustainable management in canola
Barbara Sharanowski, University of Manitoba ; Ana Dal Molin, University of Manitoba ; Leanne Peixoto, University of Manitoba
Ovipositional preference of wheat stem sawflies Cephus cinctus
Nuha Altilmisani, Colorado State University ; Frank B. Peairs, Colorado State University ; Paul Ode, Colorado State University
Effect of Thimet against wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus
John Miller, Montana State University ; Amber Ferda, Montana State University ; Julie Prewett, Montana State University ; Brian Thompson, Montana State University ; Gadi V. P. Reddy, Montana State University
Identify, understand and communicate the influence of different parameters in production of the biofuel crop, Miscanthus x giganteus
Godshen Pallipparambil, NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management ; S Raghu, CSIRO EcoSystem Sciences ; Robert N. Wiedenmann, University of Arkansas
Integrated pest management for developing countries in Africa and Asia
Amer Fayad, Virginia Tech ; Rangaswamy R. Muniappan, Virginia Tech
New lead to control brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in transgenic rice
Leonardo Magalhaes, Bayer CropScience ; Alberto Bressan, Bayer CropScience ; Duane Lehtinen, Bayer CropScience ; Daniela Portz, Bayer CropScience ; Sonum Sharma, Bayer CropScience ; Amit Awasthi, Bayer CropScience ; Eveline Bossier, Bayer CropScience ; Steven Muylaert, Bayer CropScience ; Jeroen Van Rie, Bayer CropScience ; Razvan Dumitru, Bayer CropScience
Screen for rice leaffolder resistant rice genotypes in Taiwan
Wen-Po Chuang, National Taiwan University ; Chung-Ta Liao, Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station
Updating polo software for arthropod bioassays
Efren Olguin, Harmony Search Software ; Moneen Jones, University of Missouri
Measurements of tarnished plant bug (Lygus lineolaris) susceptibility to insecticides in the Mississippi Delta
Randall Luttrell, USDA - ARS ; Maribel Portilla, USDA - ARS ; Katherine Parys, USDA - ARS ; Nathan Little, USDA - ARS ; K. Clint Allen, USDA - ARS
Baseline susceptibility of Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) to Novaluron
Katherine Parys, USDA - ARS ; Gordon Snodgrass, USDA - ARS ; Randall Luttrell, USDA - ARS ; K. Clint Allen, USDA - ARS ; Nathan Little, USDA - ARS
Susceptibility of tarnished plant bug (LepidopteraHemiptera: Tortricidae:Miridae) adults larvae to selected reduced-risk insecticides and development of three diagnostic doses
Moneen Jones, University of Missouri ; Jessica Duckworth, University of Missouri ; K E M Hendricks, University of Florida
The impact of organic insecticides on natural enemies of brown marmorated stink bug
Ashley Colavecchio, University of Delaware ; Kim A. Hoelmer, USDA - ARS ; Christine Dieckhoff, USDA - ARS ; Kathleen Tatman, USDA - ARS
Lethal and sublethal effects of newer insecticides on Chrysoperla johnsoni and Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
Kaushalya G. Amarasekare, Oregon State University ; Peter W. Shearer, Oregon State University
Fastac™ CS: Formulation innovation for alpha-cypermethrin by BASF
H. Alejandro Arevalo, BASF Corporation ; Mitchell Blair, BASF Corporation ; Christa Ellers-Kirk, BASF Corporation ; Daniel O'Byrne, BASF Corporation ; Siddharth Tiwari, BASF Corporation ; Richard Tyler, BASF Corporation ; Rianna Guethling, BASF Corporation ; Rebecca Willis, BASF Corporation
Endophytic lifestyle of an insect pathogen causes isolate-specific differences in the development of the host plant but not in its herbivores
Helena Brochero, Bio-Protection Research Centre ; Michael Rostas, Lincoln University ; Travis Glare, Bio-Protection Research Centre ; Maya Raad, Bio-Protection Research Centre ; Aimee McKinnon, Bio-Protection Research Centre
How did the oakworm get its stripes?
Evan Lampert, University of North Georgia
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