Sunday, December 12, 2010: 3:20 PM
California (Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center)
Starting in the mid 1990s oaks and tanoaks in coastal central California forests suffered unexplained mortality. Ambrosia and bark beetle attacks on discrete disease cankers on the bark are a distinctive feature of this syndrome, called Sudden Oak Death. The disease is now known to be caused by an introduced pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum. Professor David Wood's lab was confronted with a familiar yet alien problem; beetles associated with disease in angiosperms, not conifers. Ten years of research show that these new associations alter the course of the disease in host oaks and tanoaks, considerably reducing survival times. Beetle attacks short-circuit coast live oak defenses, leading to introduction of fungi deep into the sapwood and frequent bole failure of living trees. Research suggests that preventing beetle attacks would allow many trees to recover from the infection.
doi: 10.1603/ICE.2016.49771