Wednesday, 29 October 2003: 7:00 AM-3:00 PM

Hall B (Convention Center (First Floor))

Display Presentations, Section Fa. Host Plant Resistance

D0651Consequences of wild barley - fungal endophyte associations on phytophagous insect survival
Stephen L. Clement, Leslie R. Elberson, Nilsa A. Bosque-Perez, Dennis Schotzko
D0652Integrated effect of host resistance and insecticide dose on fall armyworm in turf
S. Kristine Braman
D0653Resistance of zoysiagrass and bermudagrass cultivars to Blissus occiduus (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae)
Thomas Eickhoff, Frederick P. Baxendale, Tiffany M. Heng-Moss
D0654Resistance to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) among Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) cultivars
James Reinert, James C. Read, Ron Meyers
D0655Genetic and phenotypic variation in oleoresin flow and tree growth in a population of loblolly pine
Brian L. Strom, J. H. Roberds, F. P. Hain
D0656Effects of nutrient availability on the tolerance of poplar to drought stress, in relation to growth, photosynthesis, secondary metabolism and rapid induced resistance
Bethan K. Hale, Daniel A. Herms, Robert C. Hansen
D0657Papain protects papaya trees from herbivorous insects: Role of cysteine proteases in plant latex
Kotaro Konno, Chikara Hirayama, Masatoshi Nakamura, Yasumori Tamura, Makoto Hattori, Katsuyuki Kohno
D0658The resistance factor against Liriomyza trifolii in sweet pepper induced by jasmonic acid
Shinichi Tebayashi, Takehiro Kashiwagi, You Horibata, Eriko Mikagi, Chul-Sa Kim, Atsushi Ishihara
D0659Phytohormones mediate volatile emission during the interaction of compatible and incompatible pathogens: The role of ethylene in Pseudomonas syringae infected tobacco
Juan Huang, Eric Schmelz, Hans Alborn, Jurgen Engelberth, James Tumlinson
D0660Susceptibility of the cotton relative, Gossypium thurberi to silverleaf whitefly, compared to upland cotton G. hirsutum
Eric T. Natwick, Gregory P. Walker

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