Sunday, 17 November 2002: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Room 220-221 (Convention Center, Second Floor)

Ten-Minute Papers, Section A. Phylogenetics and Biodiversity Studies

Moderator(s): Susan J. Weller
Bryan N. Danforth
10:00 AM0083What is a noctuid? Review of noctuoid family limits based on morphology
Susan J. Weller, Rebecca B. Simmons
10:12 AM0084A novel approach for determining Gelechioidea phylogenetics: Total evidence analysis of Gelechioidea relative to Coleophoridae and sister taxa
Sibyl R. Bucheli, Steven Passoa, John W. Wenzel
10:24 AM0085Phylogenetic analysis of satyrine butterflies (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data
Debra L. Murray, Andy Brower
10:36 AM0086Molecular and Morphological Systematics of the Ornate Ant Killers (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae)
John M. Heraty, David C. Hawks
10:48 AM0087Single copy nuclear genes recover higher-level bee phylogeny with high bootstrap support (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
Bryan N. Danforth, Sedonia Sipes
11:00 AM0088Reconstructing the early evolution of the bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
Sedonia Sipes, Bryan N. Danforth
11:12 AM0089A phylogeny of the paper wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae), using morphology, behavior, and molecules
John W. Wenzel, James M. Carpenter, Ward C. Wheeler, Junichi Kojima
11:24 AM0090Cinara (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on U.S. Pinyon Pines
Colin Favret
11:36 AM0091Molecular data in biodiversity surveys: a case study of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) from Panama
Robert L. Snyder, Chung Ping Lin, Ningyun Cai, Yves Basset, Thomas K. Wood
11:48 AM0092Diversity and Biogeographic Affinities of Weevils (Coloeptera: Curculionidae) from the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve of Northeastern, Mexico
Robert W. Jones, Charles W. O'Brien, Santiago Niņo Maldonado

The 2002 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition