Sunday, 17 November 2002 - 10:12 AM

This presentation is part of : Ten-Minute Papers, Section A. Phylogenetics and Biodiversity Studies

A novel approach for determining Gelechioidea phylogenetics: Total evidence analysis of Gelechioidea relative to Coleophoridae and sister taxa

Sibyl R. Bucheli, The Ohio State University, Entomology, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH, Steven Passoa, USDA, APHIS, Columbus, OH, and John W. Wenzel, The Ohio State University, Dept. of Entomology, 1735 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH.

Phylogenies of Gelechioidea have historically been in disagreement, and definitions of Coleophoridae vary at the subfamily level. There has been much focus on the evolution of the split valve of male genitalia, abdominal spiniform setae, larval cheatotaxy of A9, and exposure of labial palpi of pupae. In this study, a total evidence analysis is used to investigate sister-group relationships for Coleophoridae. The preliminary results using published morphological characters along with novel molecular sequence data (CO I, CO II, 18s and 16s genes) suggest that morphological characters that have traditionally united coleophorid taxa do not do so in this analysis.

Keywords: Microlepidoptera, Gelechioidea

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