ESA Eastern Branch Meeting Online Program

Assessing the Value of Diversity in (Agro)ecosystems (Agro-ecosystem Diversity Symposium)

Monday, March 18, 2013: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
Presidential Ballroom (Eden Resort and Suites)
Organizer :
John F. Tooker

1:30 PM
Creating trophic balance in agroecosystems
Douglas W. Tallamy, University of Delaware
1:50 PM
Influence of nonhost plant diversity and natural enemies on the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae, in alfalfa
Cory Straub, Ursinus College ; Nathan P. Simasek, Ursinus College ; Mark R. Gapinski, Ursinus College ; Regan Dohm, Ursinus College ; Ellen O. Aikens, Ursinus College ; Sarah Muscella, Ursinus College ; Cody Nagy, Ursinus College
2:10 PM
Arthropod communities in native vs. alien urban landscapes: How do they differ?
Paula M. Shrewsbury, University of Maryland ; Michael J. Raupp, University of Maryland ; David E. Jennings, University of Maryland ; Holly M. Martinson, University of Maryland
2:30 PM
2:50 PM
3:05 PM
Dirty little secret: belowground diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes and conservation biological control
Daniel S. Gruner, University of Maryland ; Richard R. Lewis, University of Maryland
3:25 PM
A different type of diversity: Does increased crop genotypic diversity improve control of insect pests?
Ian M. Grettenberger, Pennsylvania State University ; John F. Tooker, Pennsylvania State University
3:45 PM
Linking control and conservation: Integrating ecosystem services into IPM decision-making
John Losey, Cornell University ; Antonio DiTommaso, Cornell University
4:05 PM
Prey-mediated effects on predators of seed-applied insecticides in no-till agroecosystems
Maggie Douglas, Pennsylvania State University ; John F. Tooker, Pennsylvania State University
See more of: Symposia