ESA Eastern Branch Meeting Online Program

Maximizing and Sustaining Pollination Services in the 21st Century (Pollination Symposium)

Monday, March 18, 2013: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
State Room (Eden Resort and Suites)
Organizer :
Daniel Cariveau

1:30 PM
Introductory Remarks
1:35 PM

Host-parasite interactions in honey bees and colony declines

Jay D. Evans, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
2:25 PM
Native and managed bees of New York apple orchards: Connecting biodiversity, pollination services, and production
Eleanor J. Blitzer, Cornell University ; Mia G. Park, Cornell University ; Bryan N. Danforth, Cornell University
2:50 PM
Restoration ecology of native bee communities
Daniel Cariveau, Rutgers University
3:15 PM
3:30 PM
The development of best use practices of commercial bumble bees on crops in Delaware
Jacquelyn Marchese, University of Delaware ; Deborah A. Delaney, University of Delaware
3:55 PM
The importance and conservation of native pollinators in Pennsylvania apple orchards
David J. Biddinger, Pennsylvania State University, Fruit Research & Extension Center ; Edwin Rajotte, Pennsylvania State University ; Neelendra K. Joshi, Pennsylvania State University, Fruit Research & Extension Center ; Mace Vaughan, The Xerces Society
4:45 PM

Systems analysis of honey bee health: from genes to ecosystems

Christina M. Grozinger, Pennsylvania State University
See more of: Symposia