ESA Eastern Branch Meeting Online Program

Influence of nonhost plant diversity and natural enemies on the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae, in alfalfa

Monday, March 18, 2013: 1:50 PM
Presidential Ballroom (Eden Resort and Suites)
Cory Straub , Department of Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
Nathan P. Simasek , Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
Mark R. Gapinski , Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
Regan Dohm , Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
Ellen O. Aikens , Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
Sarah Muscella , Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
Cody Nagy , Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA