Tuesday, December 14, 2010: 9:50 AM
Pacific, Salon 5 (Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center)
The Acacia senegal tree, which produces the gum Arabic is a multipurpose tree of great economic importance and a source of income for the farmers community of gum belt in Sudan. The tree species grows naturally within the gum Arabic belt, between latitudes 10ºN and 14ºN. Serious biotic and abiotic factors are threatening its growth and production. Among these, the longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) are the most deleterious insect pests resulting in complete death of Acacia trees. This study was conducted in northern Kordofan state Sudan in season 2007/2008 with aims to identify spectrum, relative abundance and phenology of longhorned beetle species as pests of A. senegal tree; and to assess the tree characteristics triggering the infestation by direct measurements. The species spectrum and their relative abundance were determined by flight interception traps, and the microclimatic conditions were assessed using data loggers. A questionnaire was used to assess farmers knowledge on longhorned beetles. The results indicated that seven species of the longhorned beetles were recorded from the flight interception traps on the study sites. In addition two species of longhorned beetles were recorded from groundphotoelecter. The recorded species from groundphotoelecter, were Crossotus albicollis (Guérin, 1844) and Coelodon servum White, 1853. Knowledge about the longhorned beetles and damage characteristics as an emergence holes were represented by 95.0% and 49.2% of the total respondents. The study recommended that the longhorned beetles need to be investigated in other areas of gum Arabic belt with emphasizes on the identification of life cycle and natural enemies.
Key words: Acacia senegal, Gum Arabic, Longhorned beetles, Groundphotoelecter, Gum Farmers.
doi: 10.1603/ICE.2016.49669
See more of: Ten-Minute Papers, P-IE: Detection & Monitor Trapping
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