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Student Competition Poster
Monday, December 14, 2009
7:00 AM-6:00 PM
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, IPMIS: Molecular
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, IPMIS: Physiology
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, P-IE: Biological Control
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, P-IE: Biotic and Environmental
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, P-IE: Chemical Ecology & Insecticides
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, P-IE: Ecology
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, P-IE: Host Plant Interaction, Resistance
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, P-IE: IPM
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, P-IE: Molecular/Other
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, SEB: Genetic, Morphological, and Ecological Diversity
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, SEB: Species Diversity
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, SEB: Systematics
Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations: Structural, Veterinary, and Public Health Systems