Monday, December 14, 2009
Hall D, First Floor (Convention Center)
Two different semiochemical lures, a synthetically produced western flower thrips pheromone (Syngenta Bioline) and Chemtica P-178 floral kairomone (AgBio Inc.) were evaluated for their ability to enhance the catch of Frankliniella thrips on yellow sticky cards in several different habitats in eastern Virginia. Each experiment was a completely randomized design with each lure and an unbaited control replicated five times per location. The eight different locations included: a tomato and potato field in Painter, VA, a cotton and peanut field in Holland, VA, and grassy areas bordering commercial greenhouses and within the greenhouses in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake, VA. Thrips sampling began in May and extended through the middle of June. Sticky cards were collected and replaced two times per week and placed in plastic wrap. Thrips counts from cards were categorized into tobacco thrips, flower thrips, and other thrips. A pan trap was located within the center of each plot, and samples were collected, identified and used to establish a species complex at each site. Analysis of variance revealed a significant treatment effect on cumulative catch of tobacco thrips and flower thrips at most locations. In general, the floral kairomone attractant caught significantly more flower thrips than the other treatments and the WFT pheromone caught more tobacco thrips than the other treatments.
doi: 10.1603/ICE.2016.42226
See more of: Student Competition for the President's Prize Display Presentations, P-IE: Chemical Ecology & Insecticides
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