Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 8:55 AM

Data management and information flow in the NPDN and NAPIS

Eileen Luke, eluke@ceris.purdue.edu, Purdue University, CERIS, 1231 Cumberland Avenue, Suite A, West Lafayette, IN

The NPDN (National Plant Diagnostic Network) and NAPIS (National Agricultural Pest Information System) are two Web-based databases related to pest detection. The NPDN database, under USDA/CSREES, is a distributed system containing all diagnostic lab records from the LGU’s, (Land Grant Universities), the State Departments of Agriculture, and other State and Federal Regulatory Diagnostic labs. The NPDN is set up to enhance national agricultural security by quickly detecting introduced pests and pathogens and providing a means of rapid identification and through establishment of protocols for immediate reporting to appropriate responders and decision makers. NAPIS contains information collected through the CAPS Survey Data Program under USDA/APHIS to help plant health officials make policy and management decisions in the event of pest incursions, evaluate market-access bids for U.S. exports, and justify quarantine measures to exclude potentially harmful foreign organisms. Both systems have a wide source of information gathering and present summary information that is both secured and publicly accessible. The management, development, and flow of information addressing the various types of data will be discussed.