Wednesday, December 13, 2006 - 11:00 AM

Indonesian tsunami relief and Navy entomology

Roxanne Burrus,, Navy Environmental Preventive Medicine Unit 5, Dept. Operations & Planning, Vector Component Manager, 3235 Albacore Alley, San Diego, CA

The December 26, 2004 earthquake and ensuing tsunami that struck Indonesia and other countries in southeast Asia created a large potential for the transmission of arthropod-vectored infectious diseases by mosquitoes and flies. The US Navy, one of many organizations throughout the world that sent people to SE Asia to provide humanitarian relief, sent a Preventive Medicine Unit staffed with two entomologists. Our mission was to assist in preventing disease and epidemics. This is a pictorial presentation of the entomological issues in Banda Aceh, Indonesia resulting from the tsunami, and our unit's provision of assistance to the survivors.