Ph.D. Student Ten-Minute Paper Competition: P-IE, SysEB Session

Monday, June 1, 2015: 10:55 AM-12:30 PM
McDowell + Tuttle (Manhattan Conference Center)
Ram B. Shrestha
Gary Brewer

10:55 AM
Patch-burn grazing promotes pollinator diversity through spatially explicit habitat heterogeneity
Shelly Wiggam, Kansas State University ; Gregory Zolnerowich, Kansas State University ; Brian McCornack, Kansas State University
11:07 AM
True Bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of quarantine importance, associated with berries, from Chile
Eduardo Faśndez, North Dakota State University ; David Rider, North Dakota State University
11:19 AM
Attraction of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), to different wavelengths and intensities of LEDs
Ryan Schmid, Kansas State University ; Darren Snyder, USDA - ARS ; Lee Cohnstaedt, USDA - ARS ; Brian McCornack, Kansas State University
11:31 AM
Reproductive Capability of the Wheat Curl Mite (Aceria tosichella Keifer) on Alternative Hosts
Anthony J. McMechan, University of Nebraska ; Gary Hein, University of Nebraska
11:43 AM
11:54 AM
Highs and lows: does diel temperature variation matter to aphids?
James Kopco, North Dakota State University ; Aleix Valls, North Dakota State University ; Jason P. Harmon, North Dakota State University ; Anthony R. Ives, University of Wisconsin ; Brandon Barton, University of Wisconsin
12:06 PM
Are exotic lady beetles eating our native lady beetles into decline?
Alice M. Vossbrinck, University of Illinois ; Mary Gardiner, The Ohio State University ; Andrew Michel, The Ohio State University
12:18 PM
Delineating ant food webs: Overcoming PCR Inhibition
Hannah J. Penn, University of Kentucky ; Eric G Chapman, University of Kentucky ; James D. Harwood, University of Kentucky