Little Microbes Big World: Demonstrating The Role That Insect Symbionts Play In Nature

Tuesday, June 2, 2015: 2:00 PM-4:55 PM
Flint Hills + Kings (Manhattan Conference Center)
Paul Lenhart
Jennifer White
Paul Lenhart
Jennifer White

2:00 PM
Introductory Remarks
2:05 PM
Specialization of aphid defensive symbionts and potential effects on natural enemy composition in the field
Adam J. Martinez, University of Georgia ; Kyungsun Kim, University of Georgia ; Matthew Doremus, University of Georgia ; Kerry M. Oliver, University of Georgia
2:30 PM
Facultative endosymbionts in a pest aphid have variable effects on host plant breadth and natural enemy defense
Paul Lenhart, University of Kentucky ; Jennifer White, University of Kentucky
2:55 PM
Insect-microbial symbioses and some (genomic) consequences of intimacy
Zakee Sabree, The Ohio State University ; Laura Kenyon, The Ohio State University ; Noelle Beckman, The Ohio State University
3:20 PM
3:35 PM
4:00 PM
4:25 PM
The bacterial symbiont Rickettsia manipulates whitefly fitness and ecology
Anna Himler, College of Idaho ; Martha Hunter, University of Arizona ; Suzanne E. Kelly, University of Arizona ; Paul Nabity, Washington State University ; Peter Asiimwe, Monsanto Company ; Bodil N. Cass, University of Arizona ; Jacqueline E. Bergen, University of Arizona
4:50 PM
Concluding Remarks
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