Reproductive status of trapped female Drosophila suzukii
Reproductive status of trapped female Drosophila suzukii
Monday, March 3, 2014: 2:16 PM
King's Mill (Embassy Suites Greenville Golf & Conference Center)
A multistate project to compare baits and lures in monitoring Drosophila suzukii was conducted in 10 states during the 2013 growing season. Treatments were arranged in four rows with each row containing one trap of each of the six baited trap types, and flies were collected and counted on a weekly basis. A random sample of females collected from each trap at the Upper Mountain Research Station location in North Carolina over the 8 week period of the experiment was collected to determine if female reproductive status varied between female D. suzukii collected in different baits or lures. At least 10 flies from each trap, when available, were dissected. The ranking number of a samples mating status, determined by mature egg count and examination of spermatheca for presence of sperm were assessed for each females reproductive status varied over the course of the trapping period. In addition to assessing mating status, the presence of parasitic wasp egg encapsulation scars and gut coloration were also observed on all flies examined. These provided a measure of parasitoid activity at this location and an indication of possible host feeding by female flies, respectively.
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