Student Ten Minute Paper Competition

Monday, March 3, 2014

10:30 AM-12:00 PM

M.S. Student Oral Presentation Competition I
Katherine Parys and Clint Allen

M.S. Student Oral Presentation Competition II
Dr. Lambert H. B. Kanga and Raymond L. Hix

Ph.D. Student Oral Presentation Competition I
Muhammad Haseeb and Ash Ahmad

1:40 PM-3:20 PM

M.S. Student Oral Presentation Competition IV
David A. Jenkins and Lieceng Zhu

1:40 PM-3:40 PM

Ph.D. Student Oral Presentation Competition II
Fred Musser and Amanda C. Hodges

1:40 PM-4:05 PM

Ph.D. Student Oral Presentation Competition III
Alejandro Calixto and Xavier Martini