Pacific Northwest sawflies: New discoveries, historical patterns of sampling effort, and the development of web-based biodiversity informatics
Pacific Northwest sawflies: New discoveries, historical patterns of sampling effort, and the development of web-based biodiversity informatics
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Exhibit Hall C (Oregon Convention Center)
The discovery of Monsoma pulveratum in the Pacific Northwest in 2010 inspired a new look at sawflies in the region. Surveys in 2010-2013, examination of museum specimens from four regional collections, and contact with other biologists interested in Symphyta found 18 species not currently recorded from Washington state. Analysis of the museum data also revealed interesting patterns in the field activity of the most prolific sawfly collectors in the Pacific Northwest, and identified regions that remain poorly surveyed for these insects. This poster presents these data, and introduces a developing tool to facilitate future sawfly research and monitoring in the region.