Helianthus annus resistance: Evaluation and enhancement of insect pest resistance against sunflower head moth, Homoesoma electellum (Hulst)

Monday, November 17, 2014
Exhibit Hall C (Oregon Convention Center)
D. Sikora , Entomology, University of Nebraska, Scottsbluff, NE
Jeffrey Bradshaw , Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska, Scottsbluff, NE
Jarrad Prasifka , Northern Crop Science Laboratory, USDA - ARS, Fargo, ND
Gary Brewer , Dept of Entomology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE


Sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum, is a serious pest of oilseed and confection sunflower. In this study, we determine the efficacy of physical resistance against this pest and begin to map the heritability of this trait.  Commercial hybrids, inbreeds, and varieties of sunflowers were tested in replicated field and laboratory studies. Trait efficacy is determined by pericarp hardness of the sunflower seed’s by means of physical compression tests and damage to sunflower achenes.  Sunflower entries were planted in mid-May and data collection began in August, when sunflowers reached R5 development stage.

Objectives: 1) Evaluate the rate of pericarp hardening in confection and oilseed sunflowers. 2) Evaluate the effect of pericarp hardening on sunflower moth larval feeding (semi-field). 3) Evaluate the impact of sunflower moth resistance on sunflower yield components (field).  The outcomes of these results will help sunflower producers save cost on chemical control measures and may reduce pest risk for earlier planting dates.


Keywords:  Helianthus annuus sp, host plant resistance.