15- Graduate Poster P-IE

Monday, November 11, 2013: 8:00 AM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall 4 (Austin Convention Center)

Identification of potential spring hosts of redbanded stink bug (Piezodorus guildinii westwood) in Louisiana
Anup Bastola, Louisiana State University ; Jeffrey A. Davis, Louisiana State University
Drought stress in soybean: Impacts on soybean aphid populations (Aphis glycines Matsumura) and Soybean mosaic virus infection
Christopher Culkin, Indiana University-Purdue University ; Vamsi Nalam, Indiana University-Purdue University ; Punya Nachappa, Indiana University-Purdue University
Potential lethal effects of fungicides on eggs and larvae of Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Glen R. Obear, University of Wisconsin ; Robert Chris Williamson, University of Wisconsin ; Patrick J. Liesch, University of Wisconsin
The impact of insect-microbe interactions on the biological control of Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera:Siricidae) and their reaction to climate change
Fazila Yousuf, Charles Sturt University ; Geoff Gurr, Charles Sturt University ; Angus Carnegie, Forest Health & Resource Assessment, Industry & Investment NSW ; Richard Bashford, Forestry Tasmania
Collaborative approach to management of hemlock woolly adelgid: Strategies and outcomes
Abdul Hakeem, Texas A&M University ; Jerome F. Grant, University of Tennessee ; Gregory J. Wiggins, University of Tennessee ; Paris L. Lambdin, University of Tennessee ; Frank A. Hale, University of Tennessee ; Rusty Rhea, USDA - Forest Service
Tree defenses against bark beetles decline with increasing elevation
Scott Ferrenberg, University of Colorado ; Joseph Langenhan, Seattle University ; Jeffry Mitton, University of Colorado
Spatial ecology, phenology, and dispersal of the threatened barrens buck moth, Hemileuca maia (Drury), in a fragmented pine-oak barren
Georgia R. Keene, State University of New York, Environmental Science and Forestry ; Dylan Parry, State University of New York, Environmental Science and Forestry ; H. Brian Underwood, State University of New York, Environmental Science and Forestry ; Neil Gifford, Albany Pine Bush Preserve
The impact of rotational hog grazing on non-targets in apple orchards
Krista Buehrer, Michigan State University ; Matthew Grieshop, Michigan State University