ESA Annual Meetings Online Program

Feeding Future Generations: Expanding a Global Science to Answer a Global Challenge

Wednesday, November 14, 2012: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
KCEC 1 (Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown)
John Fitt
Boris A. Castro

1:30 PM
Introductory Remarks
1:35 PM
Feeding the world: How big is the challenge?
John Fitt, Dow AgroSciences, LLC
1:55 PM
Feeding 9 billion in 2050: Issues and prospects
Harwood Schaffer, University of Tennessee
2:55 PM
Feeding the 10 billion: Can biotechnology help?
Bruce Chassy, University of Illinois
3:25 PM
4:05 PM
4:30 PM
Impact of production intensity on insecticide resistance management strategies
George G. Kennedy, North Carolina State University ; Alana L. Jacobson, North Carolina State University
4:50 PM
Delivering agricultural technology to developing countries
Paul Anderson, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
5:20 PM
Concluding Remarks
See more of: Member Symposia