ESA Annual Meetings Online Program

SIVANTO™ - a new insecticide for control of citricola scale (Coccus pseudomagnoliarum) in California citrus

Tuesday, November 13, 2012: 11:30 AM
Cumberland (Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown)
Richard Warner , Field Development, Bayer CropScience, Clovis, CA
Matthias Haas , Agronomic Development, Bayer CropScience, Monheim am Rhein, Germany
Beth Grafton-Cardwell , Lincove Research and Extension Center, University of California, Riverside, Exeter, CA
Sam Wells , Western Field Technology Station, Bayer CropScience, Fresno, CA

SIVANTO™, a new butenolide insecticide from Bayer CropScience, has shown to be effective for the control of citricola scale, Coccus pseudomagnoliarum, on citrus in California.  The loss of older broad-spectrum organophosphate insecticides and the use of newer, narrow-spectrum chemical classes of insecticides for the control of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii, have resulted in increased infestations of citricola scale in citrus orchards over the last ten years.  Results from field experiments where SIVANTO was applied at the emergence of crawlers in June have shown excellent control through 90 days and will be a welcomed addition for management of citricola scale in California citrus.