Graduate Student Ten-Minute Paper Competition, MUVE: II

Monday, December 13, 2010: 8:00 AM-11:50 AM
Hampton (Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center)
Organizer :
P.E. Kaufman
Jimmy Pitzer
8:00 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:05 AM
Trichomycete fungi associated with mosquito larvae in northeastern Arkansas
Jason P. Gaspar, Arkansas State University; Tanja Mckay, Arkansas State University; Martin J. Huss, Arkansas State University
8:17 AM
Impacts of a native fish on non-target invertebrates in constructed wetlands in southern California
Jennifer Henke, University of California, Riverside; William E. Walton, University of California
8:29 AM
Using a California native fish as an alternative biocontrol agent to the mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), a case study
Adena M. Why, University of California, Riverside; Bonnie Nash, Orange County Water District; Richard Zembel, Orange County Water District; William E. Walton, University of California
8:41 AM
  Insect signature indicating body movement from urban to rural areas in northeastern Ohio
Krystal R. Hans, Cleveland State University; Joe B. Keiper, Virginia Museum of Natural History
9:05 AM
Assessment of blow fly, Lucilia sericata Meigen, resting behavior on plants using regurgitation and defecation spots
Rebecca C. Pace, Oklahoma State University; Justin Talley, Oklahoma State University; Astri Wayadande, Oklahoma State University
9:17 AM
Localization of antimicrobial responses in the house fly alimentary canal
Adam Fleming, Georgia Southern University; Dana Nayduch, Georgia Southern University
9:29 AM
Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF:pMV158 survives and proliferates in the house fly (Musca domestica L.) digestive tract
Carl W. Doud, Kansas State University; Ludek Zurek, Kansas State University
9:53 AM
10:08 AM
Some like it hot and some like it hotter - Flies, fever and fungal biopesticides
Robert Anderson, Pennsylvania State University; Simon Blanford, Pennsylvania State University; Matthew B. Thomas, Pennsylvania State University
10:20 AM
Following the survivorship of Musca autumnalis DeGeer larvae post parasitization by Paraiotonchium autumnale (Nickle)
Hanayo Arimoto, University of California-Davis; Edwin E. Lewis, University of California; Harry K. Kaya, University of California-Davis
10:32 AM
Initial studies of insect succession on cadavers in the Pineywoods ecoregion of Texas
Natalie K. Lindgren, Sam Houston State University; Sibyl R. Bucheli, Sam Houston State University; Alan D. Archambeault, Sam Houston State University; Brent C. Rahlwes, Sam Houston State University; Melissa S. Sisson, Sam Houston State University; James R. Willett, Sam Houston State University; Joan A. Bytheway, Sam Houston State University
10:44 AM
Color preference of Drosophila sp. associated with swine production facilities
Benjamin A Hottel, University of Illinois; Joseph L. Spencer, University of Illinois; Susan T. Ratcliffe, North Central IPM Center
10:56 AM
Ehrlichia chaffeensis and its interaction with tick salivary glands
Rachel Truhett, University of Southern Mississippi; Shahid Karim, The University of Southern Mississippi
11:08 AM
Insight into the functional role of a tick salivary Selenoprotein M protein
Parul Singh, University of Southern Mississippi; Shahid Karim, The University of Southern Mississippi
11:32 AM
Population genetic structure within and among aggregations of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius)
Virna Saenz, North Carolina State University; Warren Booth, North Carolina State University; Coby Schal, North Carolina State University; Edward L. Vargo, North Carolina State University
11:44 AM
Concluding Remarks