Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hall D, First Floor (Convention Center)
Bees provide essential pollination services to a wide range of plants in natural and managed landscapes. North America boasts over 4000 species of native bees, many of which have the potential to serve as crop pollinators. Habitat alteration, pesticide use and the introduction of competitors and pathogens, however, can negatively impact native bee populations and the ecosystem services they provide. With recent declines in managed honey bee populations, studies documenting native bee diversity, abundance and behavior are needed in different regions of the country, and globally, in order to assess the status, nesting requirements and pollination abilities of bees. Accordingly, we surveyed the bee fauna on the 661 acre property of the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in southwest Michigan on a monthly basis between May and October, 2008. We sampled a total of ten sites, categorized as Open Field, Mixed, or Woody habitat, using bee bowls and aerial netting. Our survey yielded over 1000 specimens representing five families and approximately 20 genera and 100 species (exact totals TBD). The Open Field habitat yielded the largest number of species and individuals, followed by Mixed habitat, and finally Woody habitat. The most abundant and most widely occurring species were Augochlorella aurata, Lasioglossum spp. (Halictidae) and Ceratina dupla (Apidae). Bee abundance and diversity was greatest in May, then declined and remained constant for the remaining months. This survey establishes a baseline dataset for a long-term bee monitoring program in the area.
doi: 10.1603/ICE.2016.42481
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