Wednesday, December 12, 2007

ISCA Technologies' CO2 generator: Comparing mechanical and programmable regulation of CO2

Reginald Coler, and Agenor Mafra-Neto, ISCA Technologies, Inc, 2060 Chicago Ave Suite C2, Riverside, CA

The prototype device under development can produce and deliver CO2 to a monitoring trap at any pressure and rate. The advantage of this system is that it produces CO2 gas (via a chemical reaction), only as needed and maintains the remainder of the CO2 in its more stable chemical form. The CO2 Generator Prototype in its simplest form does not require electricity and will release gas at a constant rate until the chemical reagents are spent. With the use of an additional ISCA prototype circuit board the unit is capable of releasing CO2 at specified intervals (time of day and the day of the week). This more sophisticated electronic version not only further conserves the unit’s chemical agents (by releasing on specific days of the week and within a specified interval of time), but also allows the operator to pulse the output—effectively mimicking the CO2 pattern of a breathing animal.

Traditional monitoring traps are limited in a number of ways that necessitate a more effective, efficient and cost-beneficial method. Locating sources of dry ice and compressed gas often presents a logistical problem to monitoring staff especially in remote areas or military settings. In contrast, ISCA’s prototype generator produces pure CO2 , using chemical reagents that are safe, easy-to-use, and most importantly, can be shipped directly to any address with a guarantee for extended shelf-life.

Species 1: Diptera Culicidae Aedes spp
Species 2: Diptera Culicidae Culex spp
Species 3: Diptera Culicidae Anopheles spp