Tuesday, December 12, 2006: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM

Room 117 (Convention Center)

Section A Symposium: Different Ways to Hitch a Ride: Phylogenetic Perspectives on Ectoparasitism: Part II

Organizer(s): Katharina Dittmar de la Cruz, katharinad@gmail.com
Carl W. Dick, cdick@fieldmuseum.org
1:30 PMWelcoming Remarks
1:40 PM0813Coexistence and ecomorphology of Neotropical bat flies  [ Recorded presentation ]
Carl W. Dick, cdick@fieldmuseum.org, Bruce Patterson, bpatterson@fieldmuseum.org, Katharina Dittmar, katharinad@gmail.com, Michael F. Whiting, Michael_Whiting@byu.edu
2:05 PM0814Micro and macroevolutionary perspectives into the cophylogenetic history of toucans and their chewing lice
Jason D. Weckstein, jweckstein@fieldmuseum.org, John Bates, jbates@fieldmuseum.org, Alexandre Aleixo, aleixo@museu-goeldi.br
2:30 PM0815Is the ctenidium a synapomorphy of the Streblinae (Diptera: Streblidae)?  [ Recorded presentation ]
Gustavo Graciolli, ggraciolli@yahoo.com.br
2:55 PM0816Ectoparasites of North American aquatic rodents  [ Recorded presentation ]
John O. Whitaker, j-whitaker@indstate.edu
3:20 PM0817Pocket gophers and chewing lice: Parasitism revisited
Mark S. Hafner, namark@lsu.edu
3:45 PMBreak
4:00 PMDiscussion about future research in ectoparasitology
5:00 PMConcluding Remarks

See more of Section Symposia
See more of The 2006 ESA Annual Meeting, December 10-13, 2006