Monday, December 11, 2006

Interactions among arthropods abundance estimates and cotton plots with variation in irrigation and fertilizer

Jay S. Bancroft,, Maria Garcia, and Jason Welch. USDA-ARS, 17053 Shafter Av, Shafter, CA

Arthropod communities were compared in upland cotton provided two levels of water or fertilizer. Differences among treatment and plant condition were tested with several arthropod sampling techniques. Differences among to prevalent arthropods were apparent in each treatment. The pattern of arthropod abundance was described by a food web diagram with highlighted significant correlations. The generalist natural enemy community (especially spiders and ground beetles) showed less association with crop water, nutrients (NPK), and plant condition than more specialized species. Yield of cotton lint was also associated with nutrient treatments and the repeated measures of arthropod abundance. The resulting community food web combined with birth and death rates from previous studies were used to estimate the strength of trophic interactions and the relative mobility of the species.

Species 1: Hemiptera Miridae Lygus hesperus (western tarnished plant bug)
Species 2: Malvales Malvaceae Gossypium hirsutum (upland cotton)