Claudia Copeland, ccopelan@gainesville.usda.ufl.edu1, Jorge M. Gonzalez, jmgonzalez@tamu.edu2, Martin Aluja,, Robert Matthews, rmatthew@uga.edu4, and John Sivinski, jsivinski@gainesville.usda.ufl.edu1. (1) USDA-ARS, Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology, 1700 SW 23rd Dr, Bldg 11, Rm 154, Gainesville, FL, (2) Texas A&M University, Department of Entomology, Entomology Research Laboratory, College Station, TX, (3) Instituto de Ecología, A.C, Unidad de Entomología Aplicada, Apartado Postal 63, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, (4) University of Georgia, Department of Entomology, 413 Biological Sciences Building, Athens, GA
Text Not Available.
Species 1: Hymenoptera Eulophidae
Melittobia digitata (wowbug)
Species 2: Rickettsiales Rickettsiaceae