Monday, December 11, 2006

Screening buffalograss germplasm for resistance to Blissus occiduus Barber (Hemiptera: Blissidae)

Luciana Toda,, Tiffany M. Heng-Moss,, Frederick P. Baxendale,, and Thomas E. Eickhoff, Department of Entomology, 202 Plant Industry, Department of Entomology, Lincoln, NE

Blissis occiduus Barber has been documented as an important insect pest of buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides (Nuttall) Engelmann. Twelve buffalograss selections were screened for chinch bug resistance in two greenhouse studies. Of the buffalograss genotypes evaluated, NE 2974, NE 2979 and NE 3018 were characterized as highly resistant to. These three buffalograsses exhibited minimal damage, even though all were heavily infested with chinch bugs. NE 2968 and NE 2977 were highly susceptible to B. occiduus . These studies document useful variation to chinch bug feeding among buffalograss germplasm, and suggest the potential to improve the resistance of buffalograss to B. occiduus .

Species 1: Hemiptera Blissidae Blissus occiduus (western chinch bug)