Deane K. Zahn,, Jardel A. Moreira, Robbie D. Girling, Ring T. Cardé, and Jocelyn G. Millar. University of California - Riverside, 900 University Ave, Riverside, CA
The harlequin bug is an important stink bug pest of cruciferous crops in the southern United States. We have characterized and described behaviors associated with reproduction. Previous descriptions of the reproductive biology of this insect have not been complete, and the reproductive behaviors of this species differ somewhat from those found in other phytophagous pentatomid species. We have also identified and synthesized a male-produced attractant pheromone. The activity of the pheromone has been verified in laboratory bioassays, and field trials are in progress.
Species 1: Hemiptera Pentatomidae
Murgantia histrionica (Harlequin bug)