The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition of ESA |
Program Listing
The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Click on a Program to view the sessions in that Program
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Please note: Recorded presentations are still being processed and added to the site daily. If you granted permission to record and do not see your presentation, please keep checking back. Thank you.
Functions |
Late Breakers |
Poster |
Program Symposia |
Section Symposia |
Student Competition Poster |
Student Competition TMP |
Symposia |
Ten-minute Paper (TMP) Oral |
Ten-Minute Papers, Section A. Systematics, Morphology, and Evolution |
Ten-Minute Papers, Section B. Physiology, Biochemistry, Toxicology, and Molecular Biology |
Ten-Minute Papers, Section C. Biology, Ecology, and Behavior |
Ten-Minute Papers, Section D. Medical and Veterinary Entomology |
Ten-Minute Papers, Section E. Regulatory and Extension Entomology |
Ten-Minute Papers, Section F. Crop Protection Entomology, Subsections Fa and Fb |