Tuesday, 16 November 2004: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM

Ballroom C (Salt Palace L-1)

Ten-Minute Papers, Section Cb. Apiculture and Social Insects

Moderator(s): William P. Kemp
Donald G. Miller
1:00 PM0110Screening additional antibiotics against American foulbrood
Jan Kochansky
1:12 PM0111Efficacy and residues associated with lincomycin and tylosin treatment of honey bee colonies in northern climates  [ Recorded presentation ]
Stephen F. Pernal, Adony Melthopoulos
1:24 PM0112Thermal death kinetics of the honey bee and its parasite, Varroa destructor  [ Recorded presentation ]
Zachary Huang, Yuchuan Qin
1:36 PM0113The number of genes related to expression of the SMR (suppressed mite reproduction) trait of the honey bee  [ Recorded presentation ]
John R. Harbo, Jeffrey W. Harris
1:48 PM0114Effects of genotype, caste and age on the susceptibility of honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) to Acarapis woodi (Acari: Tarsonemidae)  [ Recorded presentation ]
José D. Villa, Robert G. Danka
2:00 PM0115Multiple virus infections in the honey bee and genome divergence of honey bee viruses
Yanping Chen, Yan Zhao, John Hammond, Hei-ti Hsu, Jay Evans, Mark Feldlaufer
2:12 PM0116An evaluation of Russian honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) for their potential resistance to small hive beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)  [ Recorded presentation ]
Lilia I. De Guzman, Thomas E. Rinderer
2:24 PMBreak
2:36 PM0117Flower phenology and pollen preference of the eastern blue orchard bee  [ Recorded presentation ]
Mark Kraemer, Francoise Favi
2:48 PM0118The nest contents of several twig-nesting Centris sp. (Apidae) in Costa Rica  [ Recorded presentation ]
S. Bradleigh Vinson, Gordon W. Frankie, Howard Williams
3:00 PM0119Attraction to Paeonia sp. by Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) demonstrated using Y-tube and parallel tube olfactometers  [ Recorded presentation ]
John K. MacKenzie, Peter J. Landolt, Richard S. Zack
3:12 PM0120Mating frequency, within-colony relatedness and male production in a yellow jacket wasp, Dolichovespula arenaria  [ Recorded presentation ]
Brian Freiburger, Michael Breed, Jessica L. Metcalf
3:24 PM0121Elevational patterns of tropical paper wasp species richness  [ Recorded presentation ]
Sean O'Donnell, Anjali Kumar, John T. Longino
3:36 PM0122Sex-based ontogenetic polyethism in a social caterpillar (Eucheira socialis: Pieridae)  [ Recorded presentation ]
Dessie L. A. Underwood, Mark Canfield, Craig Pernot
3:48 PM0123Ecology of inquilinism in communally parasitic Tamalia aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae)  [ Recorded presentation ]
Donald G. Miller

See more of Ten-Minute Papers, Section C, Biology, Ecology, and Behavior
See more of The 2004 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition