Grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch (Homoptera: Phylloxeridae), a multivoltine pest, continues to be a threat to wine grape (Vitis vinifera L.) growers in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Since damage was found in 3 vineyards in 1990, Oregon now has more than 60 vineyards affected. Washington has had as many as 8 vineyards infested over the past 40 years but only 3 remain. In a previous study we had found that life processes were adversely affected by rearing phylloxera at constant temperatures > 30°C and < 18°C. In this study we compared the development of 3 phylloxera populations (one each from Oregon, Washington, and California) under variable temperature regimes simulated from a selected location in each State. All populations had 7 generations in the CA regimes. In the WA and OR regimes there were 5 generations. Longevity of adults as well as egg production increased with early summer temperatures in all regimes. Generation time remained relatively constant throughout the study except for the early spring. The temperatures of mid-summer tended to reduce longevity and egg production and overall survival. The mid-summer temperatures in the CA regime reduce all populations to minimal numbers. Later, in the CA regime, all life parameters increased to near early summer levels. There were some trends that suggested the possibility of localized adaptation.
Species 1: Homoptera Phylloxeridae Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (grape phylloxera)
Keywords: generation time, egg production
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