Monday, 27 October 2003

This presentation is part of : Display Presentations, Section F. Crop Protection Entomology

Management of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata Wied.) using pheromone traps and neem seed water extract

Clement Akotsen-Mensah1, Daniel Obeng-Ofori2, and Kwame Afreh-Nuamah2. (1) University of Ghana, Crop Science/Agricultural Research Station, Crop Science Department, P.O.Box LG 44, Legon, Accra, Ghana, (2) University of Ghana, Legon, ARPPIS Crop Science Department, Box LG44, Accra, Ghana

Laboratory and two field experiments were conducted to determine the possibility of using neem seed water extracts (NSWE) and some proprietary insecticides to control the Mediterranean fruit fly, C. capitata infesting citrus fruit at the University of Ghana, Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Kade. The number of oviposition punctures on Late Valencia was significantly fewer than on Satsuma. The results showed that NSWE sprayed on citrus fruits and the soil can result in reducing the damage caused by C. capitata to citrus and also reduce the number of adults, which will emerge from existing pupae in the soil under citrus orchards. To monitor the seasonal abundance of C. capitata two rectangular paper traps each baited with trimedlure (TML) were installed in Satsuma and Late Valencia citrus orchards. The values for 1500-1700 hrs GMT were 4.4 and 5.7 for Late Valencia and Satsuma respectively. Damage was high in Trimedlure + picking of dropped infested fruits (TML+P) (4%) treated plots. The neem seed water extract and picking of dropped infested fruits (NSWE+P) treated plants performed significantly better than Control + no picking of infested dropped fruits (CNP), control + picking of infested dropped fruits (CP) and TML+P. Dim+P and NSWE+P reduced the population of C. capitata by 27% and 10% the Satsuma orchard respectively.

Species 1: Diptera Tephritidae Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
Keywords: Trimedlure, Azadirachtin

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