Tuesday, 19 November 2002: 7:00 AM-7:00 PM

Hall A (Convention Center, Ground Level)

Display Presentations, Subsection Eb. Regulatory and Extension Entomology - Regulatory

D0407Potential agriculture pests
Kenneth R. Lakin
D0408The USDA APHIS New Pest Advisory Group: Assessing new and potential exotic plant pests in the U.S
Leah C. Millar, Lawrence G. Brown, Andrea M. Johnson
D0409An internet-based climatological model for predicting the distribution of invasive insect pests
Glenn Fowler, Roger Magarey
D0410Overcoming quarantine barriers for Florida agricultural commodities
Guy J. Hallman, Constance Riherd
D0411Quantifying the risk of pest introductions across the Mexican border
Heike E. Meissner, Andrea Lemay, Robin Olive, James W. Smith
D0412Northern border pathway analysis
James W. Smith, Heike E. Meissner, Robin Olive
D0413Model of egg hatch of Copitarsia incommoda on asparagus shipped from Peru
Juli Gould, Robert C. Venette
D0414New irradiation doses to control melon fly, oriental fruit fly and Mediterranean fruit fly: Towards a generic dose for tephritids
Peter A. Follett, John W. Armstrong
D0415Controlled-atmosphere high-temperature treatments for western flower thrips
Robert G. Hollingsworth, John W. Armstrong
D0416Review of the IR-4 Biopesticide Program
Michael P. Braverman, Keith W. Dorschner, Ken S. Samoil, Van R. Starner, Daniel L. Kunkel, Jerry J. Baron, George M. Markle, Robert E. Holm
D0417Occupational exposure to Pounce and Warrior in Michigan seed corn production
Larry G. Olsen, Brian J. Hughes
D0418USEPA insect resistance management requirements for Bt corn and Bt cotton
Sharlene Matten, Alan Reynolds, Robyn Rose

The 2002 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition