Turf and Ornamental Entomology (continued)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016: 1:45 PM-4:10 PM
Magnolia Room II (Sheraton Raleigh Hotel)
Organizer :
Catharine M. Mannion

2:03 PM
Natur’l Oil As a Potential Control of Madeira Mealybug, Phenacoccus madeirensis Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), on Ornamental Cuttings
Lisbeth Espinoza, University of Florida ; Amanda C. Hodges, University of Florida ; Lance Osborne, University of Florida
2:39 PM
WITHDRAWN Susceptibility of Ornamental Pepper Banker Plant Candidates to Common Greenhouse Pests
Vivek Kumar, University of Florida ; Cindy L. McKenzie, USDA - ARS ; Lance Osborne, University of Florida
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
Insecticide and Biopesticide Treatments Applied by Treering Chemigation for Quarantine Management of Larval Japanese Beetle and Imported Fire Ant
Jason B. Oliver, Tennessee State University ; Karla Addesso, Tennessee State University ; Anne-Marie Callcott, USDA-APHIS ; David Oi, USDA, Agricultural Research Service ; Christopher Ranger, USDA-ARS ; Michael E. Reding, USDA - ARS ; Nadeer Youssef, Tennessee State University ; Paul A. O'Neal, Tennessee State University ; James Moyseenko, USDA-ARS
3:33 PM
Japanese Maple Scale Activity and Management in Field Nursery Stock
Karla Addesso, Tennessee State University ; Adam Blalock, Tennessee State University
3:51 PM
Evolution of an Emerald Ash Borer Management Strategy, 2002 – 2015
Joe Meating, BioForest Technologies Inc. ; Anne Hayes, BioForest Technologies Inc ; Nicole Gareau, BioForest
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