2015 update on the variability of taxa, distribution, and abundance of arthropod species on Mauna Kea
2015 update on the variability of taxa, distribution, and abundance of arthropod species on Mauna Kea
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Grand Ball Room Foyer (Pacific Beach Hotel)
The unique tropical subalpine and alpine ecosystems of Maunakea are known for their fascinating arthropod biodiversity. As part of its mandate, the Office of Maunakea Management (OMKM) conducts regular arthropod surveys on University of Hawai‘i managed lands on Maunakea; to detect new species and monitor the distribution and abundance of known established species such as the endemic wēkiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola) . Arthropod survey results from 2013-2015 display extreme variability in observed taxa, their distributions, and abundances. Arthropod variability was determined during summer months using standardized trapping methods and locations. Surveys identified more than 19,000 arthropod individuals in over 50 taxonomic groups that display population trends by locality, trap type, and abundance. Arthropod orders that were consistently captured in all surveys include Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and Hymenoptera. Monitoring efforts are geared towards informing best management practices, preserving native arthropod habitat and diversity, and overall natural resource conservation.