Gynodioecious mating system aids in tracking gene flow in papaya
hermaphrodite plants, with hermaphrodites being preferred for production purposes.
Genetically engineered (GE) papayas with unique marker genes and resistance to papaya
ringspot virus (PRSV) were released in Hawaii in 1998. A survey of GUS marker
transgene expression in 628 spontaneous plants from non-agricultural environments on
Oahu in 2010 and Hawaii Island in 2011 revealed that 22% were GE. Sex segregation in
the population of escaped transgenics indicates that seed is the main means of transgene
dispersal from commercial fields, not pollen. A higher ratio of hermaphrodites to
females (1.83 H : 1 F) than expected (1.41 H : 1 F, assuming five generations of
panmictic mating between 2000 to 2010 and equal fitness of sexes) indicates that feral
transgenic populations are mostly first generation escapes from commercial fields and are
poor long term competitors in non-agricultural environments. Among longer established
non-transgenic escapes, a lower than equilibrium H:F ratio (1.24 H : 1 F) indicates that in
non-agricultural settings females are more fit than hermaphrodites, which function
primarily as relatively inefficient pollinizers, rather than as seed producers in their own
right. PRSV resistance conferred little advantage for transgenic plants in feral
populations, since incidence of disease was very low (6%). Penetration of transgenes
into feral populations is predicted to be gradual and dependent upon continued
commercial production of GE cultivars.
See more of: Symposia