Contributed Papers III: P-IE – IPM; P-IE – Biocontrol; P-IE – Ecology; P-IE – Vectors of Plant Disease; P-IE – Pollination; Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity

Tuesday, March 17, 2015: 1:40 PM-4:15 PM
Magnolia H (Beau Rivage Resort & Casino)

1:40 PM
Monitoring Aphids and Aphidophaga in the Pecan Tree Canopy
James D. Dutcher, University of Georgia
2:04 PM
Efficacy of Apta Insecticide Against Citrus Pests in Florida and Texas
Scott W. Ludwig, Nichino America, Inc ; Botond Balogh, Nichino America, Inc ; James C. Adams, Nichino America, Inc
2:28 PM
Screening Citrus Germplasm for Resistance to Huanglongbing Disease:  Inoculation Procedures
David Hall, USDA - ARS ; Ed Stover, USDA - ARS ; Kim Bowman, USDA - ARS
3:15 PM
Movement of Drosophila suzukii from Adjacent Hosts into Blueberry Plantings and Alternative Control Methods
Oscar Liburd, University of Florida ; Teresia Nyoike, University of Florida ; Lindsy Iglesias, University of Florida
3:39 PM
An Assessment of Native Bee Diversity and Abundance in North Georgia Apple Orchards from 2010-2014
Mark Schlueter, Georgia Gwinnett College ; Nicholas Stewart, Georgia Gwinnett College
3:51 PM
A Comparison of Ultraviolet, Visible, and Near-Infrared Color Patterns in Lepidopterans
Eric Butler, Shaw University ; Brittany Ballentine, Shaw University
4:03 PM