Ph.D. Student Ten-Minute Paper Competition: P-IE Session

Monday, June 1, 2015: 9:15 AM-10:50 AM
McDowell + Tuttle (Manhattan Conference Center)
Gary Brewer
Ram B. Shrestha

9:15 AM
Hyperspectral soybean reflectance affected by soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Tavvs Alves, University of Minnesota ; Robert Koch, University of Minnesota ; Ian MacRae, University of Minnesota
9:39 AM
Interactions between resistant plants and foliar insecticides for soybean aphid management
Anthony Hanson, University of Minnesota ; Robert Koch, University of Minnesota
9:51 AM
Exploring factors that may promote the longevity of Rag genes
Adam Varenhorst, Iowa State University
10:03 AM
10:14 AM
The effects of crop rotation and Bt corn on root injury and adult abundance of western corn Rrotworm
Mike W. Dunbar, Iowa State University ; Matt O'Neal, Iowa State University ; Aaron Gassmann, Iowa State University
10:26 AM
A Minnesota field population shows varying levels of resistance to both Cry3Bb1 and Cry34/35Ab1-expressing corn
Dalton Ludwick, University of Missouri ; Lisa Meihls, USDA - ARS ; Ken Ostlie, University of Minnesota ; Bruce D. Potter, University of Minnesota ; Lee French, French Agricultural Research ; Bruce Hibbard, USDA - ARS