Member Symposium: Arthropod Mediated Associational Effects Among Native and Non-Native Plants

Wednesday, November 18, 2015: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
211 D (Convention Center)
Sarah O'Neill
Carl Clem
Sarah O'Neill
Carl Clem

8:20 AM
Invasive annual promotes spillover of invasive herbivore on to native perennial
Sarah O'Neill, University of California ; Richard A. Redak, University of California ; Matt Daugherty, University of California, Riverside
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
Plant provenance and natural enemy diversity: Parasitoid and spider data from a residential-scale experiment
Matthew Greenstone, USDA - ARS ; Richard Olsen, U.S.D.A. � Agricultural Research Service, U.S. National Arboretum ; Matthew L. Buffington, USDA - ARS ; Michael Gates, USDA - ARS ; Robert Kula, USDA - ARS ; Mary Cornelius, USDA-ARS ; Mark Payton, Oklahoma State University
9:20 AM
Resource density, resource frequency, and herbivore density: Assembling associational effects from behavioral choices
Andrew Merwin, Florida State University ; Nora Underwood, Florida State University ; Brian Inouye, Florida State University
10:00 AM
Plant frequency generates associational effects by altering grasshopper foraging behavior
Philip Hahn, University of Wisconsin ; John Orrock, University of Wisconsin
10:20 AM
Disentangling the aboveground and belowground associational effects of native plants on aboveground insects associated to ragwort
Martijn Bezemer, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) ; Martine Kos, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)
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