P-IE Section Symposium: Landscape Simplification: Effects on Arthropod Mediated Ecosystem Services and Agricultural Production

Wednesday, November 18, 2015: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
200 E (Convention Center)
Katja Poveda
Heather Connelly

8:00 AM
Welcoming Remarks
8:05 AM
A novel approach to quantifying the importance of wild bees in apple pollination
Bryan N. Danforth, Cornell University ; Laura Russo, Cornell University ; Mia Park, University of North Dakota ; Jason Gibbs, Michigan State University ; Eleanor Blitzer, Cornell University
8:30 AM
Local, landscape and regional effects on pollinator diversity and yield of highbush blueberry
Jason Gibbs, Michigan State University ; Kyle Bobiwash, Simon Fraser University ; Tiia Haapalainen, Simon Fraser University ; Elizabeth Elle, Simon Fraser University ; Cory Stanley-Stahr, University of Florida ; James D. Ellis, University of Florida ; George Hoffmann, Oregon State University ; Sujaya Rao, Oregon State University ; Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University
8:55 AM
Getting from pollinator visitation to yield: A synthesis across multiple crop types
James Reilly, Rutgers University ; Rachael Winfree, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
9:20 AM
9:30 AM
Landscape composition effects on the diversity and stability of beneficial insects and biocontrol
Tania Kim, University of Wisconsin ; Aaron Fox, Michigan State University ; Douglas A. Landis, Michigan State University ; Claudio Gratton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
9:55 AM
Arthropod diversity and biocontrol in small vs. large scale agriculture in Germany
P�ter Bat�ry, Georg-August-University ; Teja Tscharntke, Georg-August-University
10:20 AM
Landscape effects mediated through plant induced responses on yield
Katja Poveda, Cornell University ; Maria Diaz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
10:40 AM
10:50 AM
Local and landscape scale drivers of ecosystem services: Pollination, biological control and yield
Heather Connelly, Cornell University ; Katja Poveda, Cornell University ; Gregory M. Loeb, Cornell University
11:15 AM
Landscape simplification effects on honey bees, wild insects and smallholding agriculture
Lucas Garibaldi, Universidad Nacional de R�o Negro (UNRN)
11:40 AM
Concluding Remarks
11:45 AM
See more of: Section Symposia