Simulating expected changes in pollinator resources as a function of climate change
Simulating expected changes in pollinator resources as a function of climate change
Wednesday, November 18, 2015: 4:15 PM
212 AB (Convention Center)
Climate change is predicted to increase temperatures and reduce precipitation in western montane ecosystems. These changes can affect plant physiology, including the production of nectar resources upon which pollinators depend. In 2010, we established an experimental field study designed to mimic the effects of predicted climate change using snow removal and passive heating in montane meadows. Here we examine nectar production relative to pollinator emergence in two important nectar sources: Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagitatta) and Wild Buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum). Both of these species are important resources for the butterfly Parnassius clodius. Preliminary results indicate that there was lower nectar volume for Balsamorhiza sagitatta in the heating compared to either the control or snow removal. The heating + snow removal was also lower in nectar volume than snow removal only. Preliminary results for Eriogonum umbellatum showed a lower sugar content in the control as compared to the heating + snow removal.