What do we really know about the biologies of the Neuropterida? Actually very little

Sunday, November 15, 2015: 2:55 PM
205 B (Convention Center)
John D. Oswald , Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
One of the enduring fascinations of neuropterid insects are their specialized biologies. What we do know about neuropterid biologies, particularly the habits of their larvae, has long piqued the interest of entomologists. But, how much do we really know, if we look broadly across the landscape of known species? Using data drawn from the global neuropterid literature a strong case can be made that we actually know very little, and that what we do know may only hint at the true diversity of life history strategies employed by the lacewings and their allies. Detailed biological investigations deserve more emphasis than they currently receive within the suite of active neuropterological studies.
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