External application of OPDA enhances the resistance of wheat plants to Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) infestation  under heat stress

Tuesday, November 17, 2015: 8:38 AM
200 I (Convention Center)
Lieceng Zhu , Department of Biological Sciences, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC
The R-gene mediated resistance of wheat  plants to  Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) can be compromised by heat stress. The objective of the research is to investigate the phenotypic effect of externally applied 12-oxo Phytodienoic acid (OPDA) on resistance of wheat plants to Hessian fly infestation under heat stress. To this end, we infested a  resistant wheat cultivar 'Molly' with an avirulent Hessian fly population, subjected the infested plants to  heat stress of varying degrees and periods, and applied OPDA solution on foliage of the infested plants. Our results indicated that heat stress of 30ºC and 35ºC for 24 hours completely inactivated the resistance of Molly plants, and that the external application of OPDA significantly enhanced the resistance of heat stressed plant to Hessian fly infestation.