Knowledge networks for managing ecosystem services in agroecosystems

Tuesday, November 17, 2015: 4:25 PM
Auditorium 1 (Convention Center)
Kelly Garbach , Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Loyola University, Chicago, IL
Agricultural ecosystems both rely upon and influence availability of key ecosystem services, including pollination. Crop pollination of high-value specialty fruits and nuts is largely dependent on honey bees (Apis mellifera), yet their future ability to meet crop pollination demands is uncertain and pollinator populations are facing significant declines. While there are strategies that growers may employ to diversify the sources of crop pollination, little is known about how growers chose to adopt (or reject) them. To investigate this knowledge gap, we surveyed specialty crop growers in the U.S. states of California, Florida, Michigan, and Oregon to investigate pollination management practices; perceived costs, benefits, and risks associated with different strategies; and the role of information networks. Survey results include 1300 grower responses: 80% of growers bought or rented pollinators as a primary source of crop pollination. Honey bees served as the primary pollinator for more than three-quarters of the responding growers. A small proportion of growers had diversified practices to attract and retain wild pollinators, such as habitat for mason and bumble bees (Osmia spp. and Bombus spp.). There was considerable variation in the most important information sources and representation of key roles (e.g., growers, research/extension, beekeepers) in information networks across crop types and growing regions. By strategically engaging established information networks, extension and outreach approaches can enhance communication about pollination management in specialty crop agroecosystems.