Evaluation of a large grower-based tart cherry trial comparing biopesticides and conventional insecticides targeting cherry fruit fly (Rhagolitis singulata) and SWD (Drosophila suzukii)
Evaluation of a large grower-based tart cherry trial comparing biopesticides and conventional insecticides targeting cherry fruit fly (Rhagolitis singulata) and SWD (Drosophila suzukii)
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Exhibit Hall BC (Convention Center)
Research to compare in-field, late-season efficacy of novel biopesticides to standard late season conventional materials during the 2015 tart cherry harvest in MIchigan. Growers applied either Grandevo® or Venerate® (Marrone Bio, Davis, CA) to entire orchard plots just prior to harvest. Samples from untreated controls, the biopesticides and conventionally treated plots were taken prior to and during harvest. This study was part of a larger, grower-driven effort to find alternative pesticides for late-season control of invasive species to reduce maximum residue limit risks in domestic and international markets.