Diversity of bees in burned and unburned praries in NW Minnesota

Monday, November 16, 2015
Exhibit Hall BC (Convention Center)
Jens Hulden , Undergraduate, Concordia College- Moorhead, Moorhead, MN
Scott Opatril , Concordia College, Moorhead, MN
We collected data on bee diversity and abundance found in two recently burned restored prairies. The Long Lake site had four, one-hectare plots, two had been burned in 2013, and the other two in 2014. The Longspur-Ulen site was burned in 2013 and had two, one-hectare plots. Sampling was done by placing bee bowls 10 meters apart in two transects shaped in an X pattern within each one-hectare plot, and by morning and afternoon net sampling. A remnant prairie burned in 2010 was also sampled using the same techniques for comparison. Results of bee collections for the different burn age plots will be presented.