Captures of Ostrinia species with pheromones in northeastern China

Wednesday, November 18, 2015: 9:38 AM
200 H (Convention Center)
Ri-zhao Chen , Agronomy, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China
Michael G. Klein , Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University, Heber, AZ
Species of Ostrinia, including the European and Asian corn borers, have been shown to respond to the pheromone blends of other species or races.  Recent reports from NE China, based on molecular markers, indicate that O. nubilalis (ECB) and O. furnacalis (ACB) may both exist there .  Trapping will be conducted with pheromone blends of the three U.S. races of O. nubilalis, and of O. furnacalis, during the 1st and 2nd generation flights of the moths at Changchun, China this year.  The two moth species are very closely related, and the validity of characters on the male genetalia, last investigated 45 years ago, will be examined to separate the species collected. This study will test for the presence of European corn borer at this Chinese location, and indicate if morphological characters are reliable for species separations.