TrapGrid, a model of invasive pest detection: Development and field parameterization

Wednesday, November 18, 2015: 8:02 AM
200 I (Convention Center)
Nicholas Manoukis , US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, USDA - ARS, Hilo, HI
Attractant-based trap networks are important elements of invasive insect detection, pest control, and basic research programs. TrapGrid is an implementation of a landscape-level, spatially explicit model of trap networks that incorporates variable attractiveness of traps and a movement model for insect dispersion. The model is focused on the detection of a pest entry and spread, with the following main elements: 1) The traps and their individual attraction, 2) the insects being trapped and 3) the location where a pest entry occurs. Here we describe the model, some results arising from simulations, and field experiments to estimate the key trap attraction parameter for three species of Tephritids. The original motivation for TrapGrid was to study invasive Tephritid fruit fly surveillance networks, but it can easily be adapted to other insects and trapping goals.
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